11:22:44 am

Jones: Darn it! The Doc beat me to The Precious Protein! Well, it’s his problem. Every agent of evil will be after him now.







Room 22H

The Big Man: Doctor Chess has done what no man has done. He has obtained The Precious Protein. I believe he will present it to Honey Bee prior to the November Eclipse. Send agents to get him! I must have The Precious Protein!



The Evil Agent: I have tracked Doctor Chess from Istanbul to Hong Kong to Sidney. He will meet my best female agent tonight. He will no longer be a problem. 




22nd Street

The Evil Girl: Doctor Chess escaped with The Precious Protein. He stood me up for that brat Honey Bee. How did he know I was going to double-cross him? Grrr, when I get my hands on him, I’ll kill him!








Case #22

The Detective: So, what is this The Precious Protein everybody’s all steamed up about? And who’s this Honey Bee?

The Client: I believe The Precious Protein has fantastic amounts of  super nutrients. It could contain amino acids  from the legendary Tree of Light. I believe Honey Bee is a Greek scholar. We know Doctor Chess only consumes the healthiest foods and associates with the most intelligent of women.

The Detective: Since when? I mean… any leads?

The Client: My agents have located Doctor Chess’ truck. They’re searching it for clues now.






3:03:03 pm

Moe: There ain't no The Precious Protein in here! What’s up with that?

Larry: We wuz robbed! Doctor Chess faked us out!

Curly: Soiteny! The Doc scored The Precious Protein for Honey Bee! N’yuk, n’yuk, n’yuk!



To bee continued...









The General: Doc, this is The Big One!

Doctor Chess: I thought last week was The Big One.

The General: Ok, ok, this is The Bigger One.

Doctor Chess: I did The Bigger One yesterday. Nuclear King Kong… Last piece of pizza on Earth…. Remember?

The General: Oh yeah, right. Doc, put that comic book down. This is The Biggest One. You’ll have to regroup your old unit and become Sgt. Chess again.

Doctor Chess: Same as before. One million bucks and I get to keep the new toys. And, I get to wear my eye patch!

The General: Ok, kid. Just deliver the message to our special agent.




Private Pawn: Sarge, he ain’t in this place!

Sgt. Chess: It’s a double-cross! Chewy, get us outta here!




Private Knight: Sarge, he’s been here! Look, Froot Loops!

Sgt. Chess: Back in the chopper, boys!






Sgt. Chess: Clear that corner! This ain’t no Halo Video Game, Kid!






Private Rook: Sarge, what is this?

Sgt. Chess: What the….?



To be continued